Citrus Manager is an Android Device lite tool made to simplify help the tasks for the user to batch uninstall and applications backup for later use with the least amount of permissions. The Citrus Manager quickly prepares the list of all the installed applications on the device, it shows information about each application and allows the user to choose whether to uninstall, backup or read detailed information about each application.
- Backup APKs to SDCard
- Install APKs from SDCard
- Uninstall applications
- Share apps via email, Bluetooth, Share it or Xender with just a few clicks
- Easiest uninstaller - single click on an app to uninstall it
Backups are good to have for your games, and other apps. The reason being is because if your phone crashes then you always have backups and can pick up right where you left off.
- 备份的APK到SD卡
- 从安装的APK SD卡
- 卸载应用程序
- 通过电子邮件分享应用程序,蓝牙分享或Xender只需点击几下
- 最简单的卸载程序 - 在一个应用程序单点击卸载